All questions to ask someone first thing in the morning...
And they are also questions I just love to ask people. Yes you can gain a great insight into a person from their answer or lack thereof but judging people off how they approach this rather out of the blue topic change isn't cool. I always want people to think about the question deeply and honestly, focusing on their true answer rather than over thinking it and believing they should say a certain thing. Its not about me or why I've asked it, its about the question and you!
I feel questions are very powerful, very important to face yourself with because I've realised that a lot of people live and walk through life on the surface layer. They don't really take the time for reflection or to connect with themselves and what they believe in, what they feel and what they think about things at that stage of their life. They don't put thought into how to move forward and a hugely important sector which is how to treat other people, what changes to make and what they're so grateful to have.
And these questions of "What is most important in life?" and "How is life meant to be lived?" Is a very good one to ask yourself. You may have heard the quote:
"Stand for something or fall for anything"
Though it may not seem like they're connected, they in fact, are. The world and its people can change you very easily and if you don't have something or a number of things that you feel are important to include in the way you live your life then you can find yourself being more of a sponge than ever. Its hard enough to keep above the waves when you have a clear idea on how to walk this earth, but if you don't then other people end up deciding for you.
But its a hard question, there's no denying that whatsoever. However it can be played with, it doesn't have to be taken with the severity of life or death. You don't need to take into account what you might feel when you're 40 years old. What makes the most sense to you and your own reasoning now is usually the best answer, and when you take it calmly and with enjoyment its actually a beautiful thing to think about.
What is your own unique outlook on life? And just thinking of the thing that takes first place to you is certainly a happy moment. It recharges you and you actually grow from the thought.

Some of the answers I've received have ranged from Kindness, to the importance of family, to being around people in general, to being familiar with your surroundings as much as possible, to mixing love and hate, happiness and sadness. Some have said that the more they think about it the more they believe there is no meaning to this life. All have fascinated me, all replies delivered with excitement.
So I suppose its my turn to give my point of view.
1. What is most important in life?
2.How is life meant to be lived?
From all my experiences in life so far and at this current time I believe the answer to the first question is having a good, strong connection with myself and as as unpopular as it is, to love who I am. Not egotistically, but to have a really good relationship with myself is vital to me because from there all situations are so much more approachable with flexibility. You can love others because you love yourself. You are never wholly dependent on anyone else and you always have someone to turn to.
To answer the second question (in a different font, ooooh), I think there are a few elements that are important to me. The first part being "genuine". Living a truthful life is so, so important to me. Being honest with others and more importantly myself in relation to my own feelings is something I never want to lose. I will never be cunningly sneaky and I'm glad.
I still hold a huge place in my heart for positivity and picking myself up after a bad patch because there is always beauty in the world and opportunity for change. Along with that, I want to live my life with gratitude because its effects are truly magical. Awareness of what you have is mind blowing.Lastly, I've recently understood the value in taking risks, adventuring and being completely ok with making mistakes. Throwing yourself into the unfamiliar and overcoming obstacles (no matter how many times you stumble or how awkwardly you do it) is vital for me to live a satisfying life.
I do not keep to these every minute of every day, its hard, but every day it gets a little bit easier and that's fine with me :)
And now comes the important part, Ladies and Gentlemen, during my long break away from scribbling I've realised my need for clarification of my purpose in doing these posts. They are for you to relate back to yourselves, to have some sort of impact on your thoughts and most certainly not just for me to talk about me.
So either by sharing with us in writing or just pondering to yourself, I want you to answer the two questions I've discussed in this post.
In your opinion,
1. What is the most important thing in life?
2. How is life meant to be lived?
People say these questions are too deep and impossible to answer but they're not. You are well able to come up with an answer that your current self is proud of. I have never found an answer boring so I would love to hear yours!
Happy thinking!
Rachel! =)
P.S. Do you know what's super interesting? Out of all the people I've asked, I've never gotten the same answer twice! Never in the same way...
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