Boredom:The state of being bored. (Inspiring definition)
It has only occurred to me recently how crime worthy boredom is! How dare we allow ourselves to become restlessly uninterested in a world that is so mind blowingly and bizarrely full of things to do!
What's crazy to think is that the prime time for boredom is when people (usually the younger a person is the more prone they are to it) are on breaks! Summer break from school etc...
Can we think about this objectively for a minute please???
A young person with so much energy and creativity is free from a scheduled, restricted routine under which they have no control , and you're telling me you have nothing to do?... Now are we beginning to see how ridiculous this notion is?
Don't hold up the excuse of bad weather, lack of people or trips to justify your boredom because they don't matter. Boredom is simply a state of mind and with what the world has to offer, you could easily never experience the negative feeling for the rest of your life.
Its a bit like a numbing, isn't it? A lack of passion and fascination for a world that is.. quite.. astounding! Age and circumstance is irrelevant because "the world is vast and meant for wandering, there is always somewhere else to go" We all have a very limited time here in this life. We may hope there are more to come but you can never be sure, you can never be sure if you have the next moment and as cliche and overused as it sounds you only have right now, right this very moment as you read these words and while it would be extremely difficult to withold that mental awareness for your entire life, its important to stay present in your current situations and activities instead of looking to to future ones or behind to what's gone. When we take into consideration this value that life has and how extremely lucky you are to be in it and a part of it do you really want to waste anytime being bored?

Nothing on TV? But darlings, don't you see? There is always an enlightening book to read, film to watch, game to play, laugh to have, conversation to engage in, information to learn which almost expands the world right before your enlarged eyes, scrapbook to make, drawing to paint, message to express, blog to write, person to understand, thought to ponder on, masterpiece to create,skill to improve, hobby to take up, recipe to perfect, sunset to watch, story to write, song to dance to along with new music to discover, different place to explore, innovative project to commence, exercise to be done, goals to be reached, help to give, tea to relax with,.... There is always something to be mesmerised and inspired by in life.
So don't ever let yourself be convinced that you're "bored".
Rachel! =)
Nothing on TV? But darlings, don't you see? There is always an enlightening book to read, film to watch, game to play, laugh to have, conversation to engage in, information to learn which almost expands the world right before your enlarged eyes, scrapbook to make, drawing to paint, message to express, blog to write, person to understand, thought to ponder on, masterpiece to create,skill to improve, hobby to take up, recipe to perfect, sunset to watch, story to write, song to dance to along with new music to discover, different place to explore, innovative project to commence, exercise to be done, goals to be reached, help to give, tea to relax with,.... There is always something to be mesmerised and inspired by in life.
So don't ever let yourself be convinced that you're "bored".
Rachel! =)
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