Tuesday 5 March 2013

Taking Risks

Taking risks are fundamental for progress in life yet we all find it difficult to undertake the tasks involved. I know I do. I'm in Transition Year in my school at the moment, twelve months where partakers take a look at life through a non-academic viewpoint and try new things. I became inspired to write this post based on a girl in my year (hello Heather:P) who is embarking on an 8 week exchange to France followed by school in the USA. Another girl headed off to be an Au Pair in France for 5 months. Fairly daunting isn't it? These are big risks to take, anxiety causing because there's an underlying fear of whether you'll enjoy it or not. What if you hate it? Risks breed questions. Much too many of them as well.

"The only way to find true happiness is to risk being completely cut open. –Chuck Palahniuk"

And there are many different levels of risk taking. You might take a risk and say something that you've always wanted to say to someone or you might join the army. An immense difference. So I suppose we could say that we take risks, whether minor or major, everyday. We're very familiar with the fear and adrenaline that often comes with them. Are they good things to experience? Some people think so, others don't. Some people are so afraid of taking risks that they live their lives in comfort zones. Its so easy to do, isn't it? I know in Acting it can be really difficult to push yourself to be ridiculous and in general life too we often find ourselves refusing to jump out of the circle of comfort we've created ourselves. I believe that jumping is the best approach to take, like a bandage if you do it slowly and consciously then its so much more painful and worse, so easy to stop and retreat, placing the plaster back onto the cut.

"It seems to be a law of nature, inflexible and inexorable, that those who will not risk cannot win. – John Paul Jones"

    I think that they are vital. Yes, all risks come with the possibility of failing but isn't it better to fail then to be on this constant level of dullness. You never know what could happen unless you try and even if things do go wrong its experience. It was meant to happen. I guess another element of taking risks is confidence. You need to believe in yourself that you're going to make it work, because doing something 50% is pointless and inevitably leads to failed risks, thus the bad name for risk taking and impulsive thinking. And if you feel that the fear of being judged is holding you back from taking a risk then simply don't let it. Who cares if you look sad and pathetic? Who cares if you look weird? Who cares if mid- jump you flop down like a chicken having a heart attack? Only you, its only you.

"When was the last time you did something for the first time?"

  I love this quote. Its like a boost to the system to get out of the routine you've inevitably fallen into and experiment more with life, avail of a broader range of the services that life has to offer. Yes its frightening and its super easy to chicken out and not do it but its worth it. If the fear is too great then just bear in mind that everything will be alright in the end. Life goes on. If you fail terribly at a chance you took its not the end of the world, you will have good days again.

  I feel like we should appreciate and respect those around us who are tremendous risk takers. They are truly inspirational and we should learn from them so we can all become wild and free:P  All the best to Heather whose leaving tomorrow on her big adventure and to anyone else who has taken the leap. Remember what I've said, regardless of what risk it is its one you want to do so its not wrong. Make the best of the circumstances you find yourself in and you'll thank yourself in the end. You're stronger than a lot of people right now and you're challenging your comfort zone. All bear in mind that life is 10% of what happens to you and 90% of how you react to it. You are the only one stopping yourself!



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