Thursday 7 March 2013

Debating/ Methods of Arguing.

 For anyone who doesn't know, this is an activity where people are given a motion or topic followed by a side or opinion to fight. There are two sides, the Proposition and the Opposition and depending on which side you're on you cannot accept the other side's points and must shoot them down, essentially in an effort to make your opinion win. I genuinely tried to keep that objective. 
However as you can tell from my initial statement that is very difficult for me because I have many reasons for disliking the hobby and have my own views on arguing.

I took part in my school's debating society for a few years. When I was 13 and 14 I liked it a lot but upon returning to it this year I found that I had changed immensely since then. I looked at the whole game with completely new eyes. You see, I'm a very righteous person. If I see something occurring which I think is wrong I can't sit by and watch it happening. I cannot fight for something that I don't believe in. And since in debating you are given an opinion to argue, regardless of how you truly feel on the matter, it obviously isn't going to settle with me. 

I think my first problem with debating is that I feel opinions are extremely valuable and deserve the utmost respect. My moralistic personality doesn't comprehend how you can let go of your own opinion so easily. There's a process you go through in forming an opinion. You look at both sides, weave in emotions and passions to produce the final product. Its important to me. So when debaters give up their opinions and change sides so quickly alarm bells go off in my head. I think its an insult to one of the most vital and driving forces in the world.

As I am righteous I also disagree with glorifying what you feel is wrong. What I mean by that is I feel  with debaters and lawyers its more about how the person fights the case rather than the point or topic itself. Do you see where I'm coming from? If the person fighting is particularly skilled and talented then it takes away from the points they are giving. What is wrong may triumph just because the person arguing that side or for that person was better than the individual working for what was right.

And now for what I've only concluded recently, a practice I still have to perfect. This my friends, is the art of arguing. For any debaters (who have not stopped reading this to write me a strongly worded comment), let me tell you something you may not have been aware of. When you shout and become aggressive while fighting your point you have instantly failed in your attempt to convince anyone to believe in what your saying. This is true of all arguing. Just think about it for a second, when someone raises their voice to you and is so bull- like determined to get their point out there and inflicted on you, how do you respond? Its our natural reaction to become defensive and argue back, We close our mind and all we want to do is win the fight. This is why I hold the belief that when someone's expressing their opinion (no matter how much you may disagree with it) its important to keep and open mind and know that you don't always have to be right. If someone gives a point that makes you change your mind on a certain topic, its ok! Its not you being weak but actually very strong. We need to bring to the surface more of what is right and what is honest truth. Its not about our egos and needing to be victorious all the time, this is insecurity, its about letting go of yourself and being genuine, no matter what.
I hope you take this on board when you're discussing a topic in real life too, don't lower yourself by raising your voice, keep calm and smile. Discuss your point in a level headed manner because this confuses the other steaming person no end. It also makes for a more truthful opinion. Bear in mind that if you're confident in what you're saying you don't need to become flustered and start bellowing. 

I hope some debaters reading this will ponder on what I've said, you're much more convincing if you can be kind and admit to agreeing with some points of the other side. If you disagree with me please let me know!( I'm sure ye're well able) I just haven't found a positive attribute to the sport, I might one day:) And let us all move forward with our arguments being calm and productive because its very easy to shout louder than the next person but if you're right you don't need to!

What's your opinion on debating and arguing? 


1 comment:

  1. I agree very much, particularly about how the best presented point is not necessarily the right one. The act of debating isn't all just shouting and arguing however, people can (and I have on many occasions) have a calm, mature and intelligent debate where each side can express their side without trying to "win" over the other, only to express themselves and perhaps convince the other party. It can be civil I tells ya!
