Friday 3 May 2013

When did what's "normal" become what's "right"?

I've always known that there is no such thing as normal. Nobody can hit average one hundred percent exactly in the middle. As human beings we all have inner and outer quirks that separate us from the next person. Therefore it is not possible to live a normal life, to do every single thing in a "normal" fashion. However, there is an outline in the world, among us people, of what we think normal is. What the majority of people look like, say or do is regarded as what I've recently come to observe, correct.

This hits me in the face as something really stupid but very accepted among us all. Would I be right in saying that when you hear something you think or do, a feature of your appearance being called normal that you feel better? That you instantly think you've received a clarification that this certain thing is OK to keep? More than likely you do. I have and I've watched other people react the same. But what I want to state is that surely just because a majority do something doesn't mean its correct. A certain action or attitude is not deemed right just because its been normal practice for generations.

One example that I would like to use is the practice of eating animals. I think we can all agree that eating meat and animal products is a very normal thing to do. I believe that because it is so normal and accepted on a widespread level, that people don't question whether its right or wrong. There's a certain guarantee involved in knowing the people around you are doing the same thing. However, most of us upon deep or not so deep reflection would realise that torturing, killing and eating animals is a cruel thing to do. What worries me though is that our creation of a thought called "normality" is more than capable to suppress what we believe to be right. 

And its evident everywhere,So many teenagers take drugs, have sex and drink much too much alcohol than what they know is right for their own body, mind and soul and yet because its normal for their peers to do, they do it anyway. Its normal for us to argue a certain way by raising our voices and becoming defensive, its normal to be self conscious, its normal to be negative, its normal not to question authority, its normal to judge and categorize other people but does that mean any of these are right

You see, I've learned that people don't like change, they don't like the unfamiliar. Obviously there are those that do but in general there are so many people that don't like it. Moreover most people are too fearful to try and change the world in some way either minor or major. So humans have taken the easy route by adapting to the world and its traditions, acquiring knowledge subconsciously on how to be as normal as possible. However change is necessary for the world at present. We cannot continue allowing poverty to be normal, accepting the corruption in politics, thinking that there are always going to be lost causes in the world in the form of "evil people", and contributing to the poison that is stereotypes and expectations of how a person should act, what they should say. We need to remove the limit on what we find comfortable and embrace the unfamiliar because we simply need to allow what's fair, just and overall right to take over the world through people's motives. Just because something's normal now doesn't mean its always going to be and we need to come to terms with the fact that change is very possible.

Change is out there for you to make and if you live a life where you always try your best to do what is fair and just then you cannot go wrong. Forget normality because you'll never achieve it as it is ever changing and not real. What is real however, is the injustice that is in the world and the power you have to change that. 

Sometimes, you're just going to have to pick between being normal and being right.


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