Tuesday 19 February 2013

The Idea Of Fashion: Following Trends.


     As I have just returned  from one of the most fashion conscious cities in the world, London, i feel it is fitting to write about the duty of  'following trends', a topic which quite frankly has always baffled me.
   I would like to start off by making it known that I am not someone who doesn't care less about clothes, I love clothes and am very into shopping and developing my own style. However I have never been, and probably never will be, someone who puts a lot of effort into their outfit. To be honest, I kind of just put things on and see if they work.;) I have a huge passion for Vintage Clothing and very feminine pieces in general.
    Aside from that though, it became apparent to me during this weekend in particular that there are so many people out there who follow trends and only wear what's 'in' at the moment. To me, it is probably one of the most accepted examples of mindlessly following the crowd and just trying to be the same( a bit like 'The need to be different' I was talking about before but instead its 'The need to be the same')Why? I never understood the idea of changing styles every season. Who sets these trends anyway? I'm presuming its designers and fashion shows and such but it still bewilders me. You read in magazines, "This season's must haves" and that such and such is 'in' right now ( and will last for a month or two, tops) and even that its common for people to throw things out of their wardrobe because its out of style. Can you believe it that I once heard someone say that they were keeping a hat stored away until it came back in fashion? Why not wear it now? No one's going to shoot you! The 'fashion police' posse only exist in cringey American films.


   I think at the core of the problem is of course the media and also our subconscious adoration for the aesthetic or 'look' of things. For both genders its the same thing, we see an item of clothing, an image pops into our mind of when a model wore it or someone who you thought looked really good, then the desire grows in you to have it. So I guess image is a very powerful thing. When you're flipping through the pages of Vogue or you pass a poster of really glamorous models, those images are affecting you way more than you think.
    What just sort of dawned on me over the 3 days in this magnificent, bustling city is how much pressure this need and urge puts on us. Every time you turn a corner or walk into a shop there is someone more on trend and stylish than you. Their shoes are that little bit higher (or lower if that's what in) and it just leads to you feeling like crap, less perfect to these glamorous individuals. And that my friends is why I refuse to keep up with the fashion world. I pick and choose from trends I like and trends I don't and every time I look closer at an item of clothing that's caught my eye I try and make sure I truly like it and its my style. If I get an image in my head of a model from Chanel who was wearing something similar and that's the only reason I want it then I leave it alone. Because I'll never look as 'good' as she (or he if you're a guy) did. I don't have expensive lighting, photo shop and a super clean diet at my service.
     Despite all of this, I hate telling people how to live their lives. This is simply a topic I am desperately confused about and one which most definitely  wouldn't suit my life. If it excites you to keep up with trends, I'm certainly not going to judge you. Its your world. I'd love to hear what any readers think about following trends. What do you guys think?


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