Sunday 24 February 2013

Sluts and Whores



     Sluts and Whores. Terms we use to describe women who sleep around and wear "too little" clothing. And the funny thing is that 90% of the people using either word are women. I've used it myself, when I was younger. I mean I'm definitely not a candidate for the slut group, a convent some may say, but provocative is certainly not a word you'd use to describe me. All the same though I think its a word that should be eradicated from alls' vocabulary for many reasons.
    The first being the fact that it is none of your business how a woman chooses to dress. If you are worried about how women are being made into sex objects and used then it still doesn't make sense to start calling them names and blaming them. If you're a woman, just because you do not wish to dress provocatively does not give you the right to call other females out for doing so. Often its a jealousy thing, other women become envious of the way these so called "whores" get huge amounts of attention from men. I don't know what your jealous of? You're jealous of being looked upon as a sex object, only from the chest down? Why would you desire that type of attention, those type of men? And if you're a man, you don't own your girlfriend/wife/ any woman. You cannot dictate how they dress or what they do. Its not like the old days where women were ye're puppets. Women are independent and have so many more rights now. They have their own style and beliefs. As we always did, in case you didn't know;)
    Also, and a very important reason, is that there is no male equivalent of the term "slut" and that's definitely not because men are straight laced and faithful. If a guy sleeps with a load of women its looked highly upon in his circle of friends, he's the boss and is pushed up a notch. If a girl sleeps around however she gets called these derogatory names by her peers and no one tries to look further into why she did it. Or just simply leave her to a  judgement free life. Where is ye're justification in that? Its highly sexist and unfair.
     As well as this, many women feel it is a type of feminism to show off the female body. They don't necessarily do it to impress men. I agree that it is more feministic to dress femininely (or provocatively as some do) than to dress like a man because we should be able to prove that we're equal to them while wearing high heels and lipstick. Why try and become like them? With this being said, it is essential for all women to feel free after years of oppression. They can wear and do what they wish just like men can.
    I've always emphasised though that women shouldn't feel the need to be sexy and promiscuous. So many girls do feel that they have to wear so little clothing when they go out to impress men and I believe this pressure is wrong. We are not mere objects and we deserve so much more than to be thought of as that. And just remember, if you think you're special because some guys staring at your chest in a really low top? He's done that and will do that to any woman he meets. Millions of women have 'amazing' bodies.
     To conclude, I think we females especially need to quit using these horrible words towards our fellow girls. We should be so proud on how far women have come to be able to dress and do what they like and even if you know they're just acting this way to impress men then pity them, don't become angry with them! Its hardly their fault that society's voice for the male species has made them insecure now is it? Show a bit of mercy because you may one day feel that too. I vow never to use the word "slut" or "whore" again because neither word tells the story or  the reasoning behind the girl standing in front of me.
         Do you know what's sad? I couldn't find an anti-slut quote to end this post with. Shows something....

                                                    Do you believe in promiscuity?


1 comment:

  1. Lol at the 'anti-slut comment' ending. I think it'll always be a men vs. women topic because of how women were always told to DRESS MODESTLY and ACT MODESTLY and men could do whatever the feck they in the 60s or something when women started showing a bit of leg or chest or whatever that men started getting high and mighty about the whole thing. As in they couldn't fathom the things they had always seen as distinctively THEIRS acting out. Feeling slightly panicky I suppose it became something like upside-down crosses or studded jackets: a trend. To 'slut-shame', I believe the verb is. I suppose their masculinity felt threatened and they needed to lash out to cover up their insecurity. And while men started the trend, they passed on the torch to women who now feel the need to pass comment about what yer one wore to the club on Saturday and Jesus everyone could everything...who the feck cares? A girl puts out often and she's trash, but a guy does the same and is glorified as a 'player' from his peers? Hmmm...good job humanity!
