Tuesday 19 February 2013


  Now before anyone becomes alarmed and locks the door to their mind, I just want to make it clear that I am not going to go all 'scary veggie' on you guys.;) In this post I simply want to deliver my point of view on a topic I think a lot of people are ignorant of.
  I decided to become a vegetarian in the new year after I watched a video on peta.org that really, really upset me. It was about animal testing and was called "Testing, 1,2,3" or something along those lines.  I had always thought about becoming a vegetarian but had no motivation to actually start altering my diet. That was the trigger.
   So I've not eaten meat since New year's eve to be exact and I feel great! Initially I felt weak in the first few weeks but the dietitian I went to said it was just the change of diet. I do recommend going to a dietitian if you plan on going vegetarian as you can't really trust everything you read online. As regards the health side of things, I'm going to get a blood test done in summer to check if my iron levels/ protein levels are alright but I feel totally fine so I doubt there'll be any problems! In fact, I feel much healthier as its obviously forced me to eat more fruit and veg which I wasn't doing before and I've realized that I like a lot more than I thought. I also love, love, love the 'Linda McCartney'  vegetarian line. Her meat products genuinely taste like meat but better! I'm not in denial or lying, you need to try them! They can be found in supermarkets so they're not hard to find either.
  I've faced a lot of opposition to my decision to stop eating meat. I was actually very surprised to realize that  a lot of people are against it. That is one thing I don't understand. I have not even tried to put my point across on why I believe in Vegetarianism let alone become aggressive towards them, yet the reasons I'm accumulated from meat eaters as to why they dislike vegetarians/ believe in eating animals are (a) they think that vegetarians are going to force their way of eating on them (b) they get the impression vegetarians think that they're better than meat eaters (c) they believe animals are lower in the food chain (d) they love meat.
I respect the final two reasons as your own choice and opinion but the first two are complete generalizations. Regardless, I think it should be a little more respected and I feel that people should put more thought into their choice to eat meat. Just because its normal doesn't mean its right for you.
This famous quote by Paul McCartney is one I agree with. We don't know half of what cruelty is poured on these animals. And I'm not blaming you, it should be more publicly known.Paul McCartney's video in relation to the topic is really eye-opening and I recommend watching it.
   So essentially all, I just wanted to inform ye that Vegetarianism is definitely not life-changing and if you're like me, who just ate meat for convenience, then I suggest giving it a try. There's also no point in getting sandwiches in restaurants with meat and then taking the meat out without eating it because that still creates a demand for the meat. I know I sound paranoid but doesn't it make sense to try and reduce as many animals who get tortured and murdered as possible? The links I've provided will give you more information on something that's very hidden and underground. Take what you will from them.

Answer in the comment section below:
Do you eat meat? If so, what are your reasons for it? I'd love to know!



  1. im too picky an eater to be able to survive with out meat i suppose! and i dont feel like me, one person, becoming a vegeterian would impact in any way on the meat industry, for instance my family will still cook a leg of lamb on sunday and eat extra to compensate, or if my mom were to make burgers, would make a smaller number but make them bigger to use up the packet of minced beef, or in regards to supermarkets, that cow/pig etc will still have been killed, whether im vegetarian or not. i suppose maybe i could inform my local shops of my diet change as a warning to buy one less portion of meat, but i mean, is that going to make any difference? just my thoughts!

    1. I guess everyone feels like they're input wouldn't make a difference because its too small but if we all thought that way nothing would ever change, no one would vote, you know? Thanks for taking the time out to comment though! Much appreciated:)

  2. I'm a veggie too!!! I decided to be one because I couldn't stop thinking about the meat being an actual dead body. The only thing about it is the quantity of food you have to eat to replace meat. You have to have like five extra helpings of veg and nearly an entire can of chickpeas. Other than that, it's great fun trying recipes and different food alternatives, I find.
