Sunday 24 February 2013

Quotations Sunday: 24/02/2013

Today's quote is one that I recommend sticking  on your bedroom wall as a helpful reminder for when you come in feeling distressed after a row with your Mom or dejected after a day that didn't quite go your way.

Its a quote that really transfers the power over to you, the way its phrased is personal and just sinks in. This morning I read a piece where someone was talking about how it is not possible to be happy all the time. From my experience I agree, things happen in life where you can't react with a smile however there are also those times where you have the power to pull yourself out of a self-pitying session and make yourself happy.
I received some disappointing news this weekend and usually I would have gotten upset over it and spent some time thinking negatively and worrying but I genuinely thought of this quote and I didn't allow myself to. I brought my usual logical self back and thought how pointless it would be if I got upset over this.

And its true. Isn't it? Isn't being sad just a huge waste of time? Now, we'll need to put this into perspective. I'm not saying to just glide on by in contentment when someone you love dies or something tragic like that happens but I'm talking about when you break up with someone or get a bad result in a test, then its important to not waste your precious time being down. And do you know what's great about your life? You can control it. Just because everyone expects you to be upset about something doesn't mean you have to be, you can surprise them by being strong and just letting the incident go. One thing I've learned through the course of my life is that there are go to be a lot of people who love to see you upset. It comes from their own  internal depression and need for others to feel down also. They will keep bringing up the incident just to try and catch a flicker of pain on your face. Those people are extremely difficult to deal with. However you can. Its just a case of truly letting your hurt go instead of having it masked inside you, almost waiting to be brought to the surface again. As I said in a previous post, "the best way out is through", to get rid of your sadness I feel its important to think about the situation rationally and then I guarantee you the pain will fade away and it won't seem as bad.

Time is precious. I feel like every old person I speak to tells me that the years have flown by and to enjoy my youth. The days go slowly but the years go fast, have you never heard that?  And its true even for me. I can't believe I've lived a whole 16 years of my life, it flew! I mean, most people believe that we only live once so time is extremely valuable, we can't waste it wallowing in despair! We need to realise that such wonderful things surround us and that sadness won't accomplish anything!

Be productive. Change whats bad in the world but do it with an energy, not in a depression.

My favourite ways to cheer myself up are:
-Think about the situation logically, I say it all the time but emotions can hide the solution to a problem.
-Genuinely think of the positives to the situation. If you didn't do as well as you thought in an exam be glad you passed, if your significant other broke up with you, be glad that you're free to move on and out of a relationship that wasn't working. 
-Watch something that makes you laugh. Laughter's just the best thing ever. Am I right?
- If you're lucky enough to have someone to turn to who really does care about your happiness talk to them about it. Sometimes just saying things out loud can help you make sense of them.
-Keep yourself busy. Immerse yourself in work or set up a blog;)
-Everything seems better after a good night's sleep.
-Don't allow yourself to stop taking care of you. Give yourself a face mask or shave if you're a guy. If you don't have the energy to keep up your routine, you're just letting the sadness take over you.
-Remember the very important phrase, "life goes on". The future will be brighter. Don't lose hope. I know you can only think about your current pain but try and see the broader picture.
-Keep up your self esteem by picking things out that you like about yourself and all the accomplishments you've made in your life. I'm sure you'll find loads!
-Try meditation or yoga. I freaking love that stuff!

And guys...... DON'T COMFORT EAT!:P

Do you have any good tips to cheer yourself up when you're feeling down?


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