Thursday 14 February 2013


As its Valentine's Day I thought it fitting to make a blog post on the most important topic in the world I guess, love. And despite it being the most important thing in all our lives we tend to misuse it, abuse it and take it for granted.

I personally believe in true love. I also believe in soul mates. I think as regards relationships and dating, people rush into things and commit themselves to people they don't truly love. I don't understand the concept of divorce because I don't get why you would say you will spend the rest of your life with someone through hell or high water and then leave the relationship? (Obviously I think divorce should certainly be an option because no one should be stuck in unhappiness) but  I suppose its just a question that stirs in my mind sometimes, you know you hear of celebrities in particular who divorce their partners within two weeks and make precautions for an easy divorce before they get married. I mean, what's the point? I'd hope that if I ever do get married its to someone I adore and will stay with for the rest of my life. Surely that's everyone's goal?

One thing that breaks up marriages and destroys the name of love are affairs. Cheating is one thing that has always been able to get under my skin. I don't know why but my heart sinks whenever its brought up, I'm convinced (as I believe in reincarnation) that I was cheated on in a past life. Its the only explanation I can think of for the feeling I get with it. I don't know why people cheat, the urge is obviously derived from unhappiness within the marriage/ relationship but as its often been said, why not just leave? I guess its not as simple as that. However one belief I will never lose is that love is not based off of sex. I am much too prudish when it comes to that sort of thing but regardless I don't get why its so talked about. Why it breaks up love through cheating and why people replace love with it?

I believe that love is not just between a man and a woman. I used to be fanatically pro homosexuality( to a creepy point) but I still whole- heartily feel that love between a man and a man and a woman and a woman  is equal to heterosexual love. I am completely pro gay marriage and what I dislike is that even though attitudes towards gays and bisexuals has enormously improved, with their legal rights growing and growing, the attitudes a lot of (particularly) young people have towards them is rather backwards. Phrases I hate are "That's so gay" and "You faggot" often just used in a funny context but does that mean they should be used? I also know as a teenage girl that it wouldn't be welcomed with open arms for a teenage boy to admit he was gay. Why do the youth have the prejudices? I thought that would be the confused old people who felt uncomfortable...

I always laugh when I hear people my age, still technically a child, exclaim in distress "I'm Forever Alone" because they don't have a Valentine today or a boyfriend in general. I don't know if the opposite gender have those worries, but its blatantly obvious that us females do. This is coming from someone who has never had a boyfriend, its OK to be single at 16, you have time to snatch a boy out of desperation. Don't fret. I think a lot of people say it (a) to have the person they're saying it to tell them "that's rubbish" and "they'll break hearts" (b) they hear everyone else say it and it slips out (c) they genuinely have developed this irrational fear and have lost all logical thinking. Let's not blame them. No matter what age we are (unless you're like ten reading this)I think its fair to say that most of us have worried about the prospect of dieing alone. However, what's meant to be will be!

All in all, I'm not flashing my middle finger to the Valentine's Day section in Tesco because I think its cool that we have a day devoted to love, I hope today we all reflected on love in our lives and valued it. Because without it, where would we be?

Do you believe in true love?
                                                       Love, (how many times have I mentioned the word in this post?;))

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