Friday 8 February 2013


Happiness: My 2 Cents...

             Happiness is the one thing I will agree that all of us have in common. Though diverse in many extremes, what keeps us going in this great mystery called life is that feeling, that feeling I will never attempt to describe.
             Despite happiness being alls' true aim in life, why is it that so many people cannot maintain a euphoric moment and why do we live in the future, procrastinating being happy until another day? Now don't assume I'm preaching , at the moment I stand just as confused about life as you may be.
             I believe in a false happiness and a true happiness. A false happiness presents itself when you get that glee from bitching, from mocking someone, from being negative and getting that laugh. Its so subtle in most situations but I feel that all of these things are bred from insecurity, UN happiness within yourself. Believe me, I feel like the biggest victim to these traps.
             However on the other side, there is true happiness. Happiness that does not vanish after your Mom shouts at you, you fail that test or gain a few inches. This happiness I can only dream about. I think it will be like living in a state of mind that I've never achieved before. I won't compare it to a sugar rush because you always come down, nor the night before holidays because the adrenaline rush won't be present. It'll simply be contentment.
            And I'm not the only one (duh) who's thought deeply about such matters. I recently read "The Happiness Project" by Gretchen Rubin in which she endeavours to attempt all means to feel more grateful for what she has in her life. In other words to be happy. In her quest she read many people's opinion on happiness. From Pluto to modern thinkers they all gave their share. I could tell you dozens upon dozens of truly inspiring 'happiness quotes'. We've all heard them (I love them), read the theories but why still can't we, as a whole, achieve paradise?
        I think coolness has replaced happiness. There is such a huge desire to be cool and funny. One may argue that a person being thought of as cool might make them happy but isn't that like false happiness? Its sort of based off of insecurity and a need for people to like you, to fit in. In that respect, does that mean that confidence is the key to eternal happiness? The disposition in which you truly could not care what people thought of you, you possessed utter faith in your morals, capabilities and dreams. I think we may have just found the gem. That's all jolly fine though but confidence is a difficult thing to achieve for it is such a complex matter. You could have complete confidence in one sector and zero percent in another. However I am convinced that confidence goes hand in hand with happiness.
         Up to now you may feel that I've just been discussing an individual, internal issue but one person's point of happiness affects the whole world's. I know that if a person is sufficiently confident and happy in themselves to give me a genuine compliment, it brightens my whole day. Even a flippant one can increase a person's happiness to spread to all they meet.
         In the opposite way, madness, judgement and cruelty all have the domino effect. Because of this I call on everyone to try and spread some positivity in the world through a smile, a compliment, simply good intentions because I guarantee you karma will not take long and you will receive the benefits. Its about time that we all do what makes us happy and respect that person who doesn't give a hoot what people think of them. In fact, let's not simply admire them, let's become them.

NB: Everything mentioned above is simply my opinion. I would love to hear everyone else's idea of happiness so maybe I could become inspired!:)
My video on this topic:

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