Saturday 9 February 2013

Behavior: Attractive and Unattractive.

    In this post, I want to touch on how certain portrayal's of insecurities are likable to  people and how other displays repel.But in General, I find that behavior is highly misunderstood.  
     If one person, we'll call him John, is very insecure about many parts of himself and those insecurities lead him to behave quietly, inwardly, in a way where he's constantly putting himself down and trying to please everybody then I can guarantee you that most people would like him and try to boost his confidence in himself. Am I right?
    Then if we take another example, Mary, who also has many insecurities, but as opposed to John, she acts in a loud manner, trying to put other people down to make herself just that little bit more satisfied with herself, constantly boasting herself or seeking compliments. Then we would more than likely give up on her, not bother to look deeper into why she's behaving this way or find the connection she has with John and treat her the same way. It is people like Mary that a lot of people dislike and find annoying. So what do we do? We ignore them or act negatively towards them which leads to a vicious circle of their poor attitude. 
    Essentially, I think its important that we try and review the people we find annoying in our lives and begin to attempt to understand that the way they act is not always the most accurate reflection of how they're feeling inside. When we're rude or mean, I'm convinced it comes from hurt on the inside and I'll say it again, insecurity. I am no expert but I've come to this conclusion from my own thoughts and experiences. So to all who read this, that is your task. Peel away a few more layers from the 'Mary's' in your life because if you think about it, we're all so deep that how could the surface layer reflect to the world what our core really looks like?

Anger is a manifestation of a deeper issue... and that, for me, is based on insecurity, self-esteem and loneliness.
Naomi Campbell 

My Video on this topic:

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