Sunday 10 February 2013

Quotations Sunday: An Introduction

    Quotes are my source of Inspiration. I know they may be totally out of perspective in comparison to what's going on in my life but with most quotes I read I can relate them back to my circumstances and grow emotionally as another jigsaw puzzle fits into a place, another patch of fog is cleared. Often the ones that I am most inspired by are the simplest, and though I hate the word, 'common sense'. But when a thought or feeling is put into words so I can understand it, well that to me is a euphoric moment. I also find that I tend to connect with quotes which are logical(don't close your mind, I don't mean boring!) but I just think logically  I guess. I know zillions of quotes and almost always include them in deep conversations with friends, family, my dog, myself....
        So I've decided to do a series of posts on this blog where every Sunday I post a quote I love/ am inspired by and give my interpretation of it. I'm going to begin with my all time favourite quote. Its by the great Martin Luther King.

I read this quote from an 'Inspiring Quote' App on my phone when I was lying in a bed in a London B&B back in October. I can remember the moment that clearly. As basic as it is, I feel the way he put it and its logic just changed my life. Now that's slightly melodramatic but it genuinely has. It makes so much sense to me because obviously you can't get rid of the dark by adding more dark, you need light so obviously you can't get rid of hate just by adding more hate! You need love to do that. And when I looked back on all my experiences in life when I hated and was nasty to people who initiated that attitude towards me it just led to more and more hate and negativity being poured into the world. If you don't hate someone who hates you back it doesn't mean you're a fool. You don't have to approach them everyday and hug them, but if you do not hold resentment for them and treat them with love and respect regardless of how they treat you then you are happier internally and you are not fueling  the hatred fire for the world to burn in. I am proud to say that I don't hate anyone. I have certainly got a long way to go, and I don't think deeply enough about my words and actions towards other people yet and maybe I can't hold my tongue all the time when I'm in a bad mood but I genuinely don't. Its actually a very powerful thing to feel because unfortunately hate is normal in life and I don't understand that. Hate is terrible for the mind and soul(if you believe in souls of course) but regardless it impedes your life.
Let me know if this quote impacted on your life as much as it did mine;) and regardless I hope you like the idea of what I'm trying to do every Sunday! Any feedback on the blog so far would be much appreciated,
                                                             Love (and absolutely no hate!)

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